Singing Guide: Childish Gambino

Singing Guide: Childish Gambino

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn Singing Like Childish Gambino

Childish Gambino is a versatile artist whose vocal style is unique and identifiable. To learn how to sing like Childish Gambino, you will need to master his mix of spoken word and singing.

Understanding Childish Gambino's Vocal Technique

Childish Gambino's vocal style is characterized by his use of a mixed or blended voice. He regularly switches between spoken-word sections, rapping, and singing. Gambino's mix of styles creates a unique and identifiable sound that you can learn to emulate with practice.

To learn how to sing like Gambino, practice using his style of vocal blending. Start with his earlier works and use the links below to find songs that suit your vocal range. Begin by rapping along with his spoken-word sections and then practice transitioning to the singing portions of his songs.

Developing Your Vocal Technique Like Childish Gambino

Developing your vocal technique is critical to mastering Childish Gambino's unique style. Singing Carrots has a number of exercises and lessons that can help you get started:

Songs to Learn and Study

Once you have the basics of Gambino's vocal technique down, it's time to start studying his style in more depth. These songs are great examples of Childish Gambino's unique vocal style:

  • Redbone
  • This Is America
  • 3005
  • Heartbeat
  • Bonfire

Some of these songs may be outside of your vocal range, so use Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test to help find songs that suit your voice.

Additional Resources to Explore

  • Discover the vocal ranges of over 5000 famous singers with Singing Carrots' Artist Vocal Ranges.
  • Find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference with Singing Carrots' Song Search.
  • Get access to linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio for your performance set with the Singing Carrots Song-book.
  • Check out Singing Carrots' singing course to learn more about singing theory and practical tips.
  • Use the Singing Carrots Pitch Training tool to improve your pitch accuracy, and use the Vocal Pitch Monitor to check your pitch accuracy in real-time.
  • Learn the techniques for Heavy Modal, Twang, and Belting with our guide. You can also learn how to perform vocal distortion and growling in your singing with this article.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.